Tuesday, June 15, 2010

In Memory Of Blu'

The Patron Saint of Animals

Saint Francis Medal Necklaces that Josh and I both got in memory of Blu'.  Now when I miss her or I start getting alot of anxiety I can hold mine and it makes me feel better. 
For anyone that loves their pets and hasn't read about Saint Francis I recommend you do so.  Its very comforting to know that he believed that all animals worshiped God and that he actually preached to them just like he did people.  It's very comforting to know that a Saint thought so much of animals and he knew that they would be in heaven with us, worshiping God right there beside us.

We had them engraved on the back for our precious baby Blu'


Karen Mortensen said...

This is so sweet. I didn't know that he was the patron saint of animals. Glad this brings you comfort.

Laura said...

That is beautiful!
I wear a necklace every day in the shape of a paw and inside are some of my Phoebe's ashes. She is with me every day.

Some of my Phoebe's ashes are spread at my sister's house near where she has a statue of St. Francis.

I hope you are doing well.

Jen Majors Yoga said...

Thanks. that's awesome I had though of getting one of those.

We have her ashes in a cedar box in the house. My Mother In Law is getting us a Saint Francis Statue to sit w/ her.

It's still really hard but handling a little better everyday.

Laura said...

Some of my Phoebe's ashes are also spread up north at my parent's cabin because that was her 2nd favorite place in the whole world to be (first was my sister's house because she has an awesome back yard she could run and sniff for critters!)

The rest of her ashes are in a glass box that my Dad made for me. I have it on a shelf in my bedroom next to her favorite toy.

It must be so much harder for you since Blu' died so unexpectedly. My Phoebe had been quite sick for her last 6 months of life, so when I had to make that final decision to let her go, I think it was easier because I was at least somewhat prepared for it. It was still the hardest/worst day of my life though. That is why I spend that day volunteering. I want to spend the day honoring her and doing things that make me happy.

Last year I brought flowers to her regular vet and to the animal hospital where she died because they all took such great care of her. I'm thinking of doing that again this year.

I hope where Blu' passed away they were kind to you and gave you as much time as you needed with her.

Jen Majors Yoga said...

They were great. Even sent a sympathy card in the mail to us. and when we went to pick up her ashes the aide that is always there cried w/ me. They're a great bunch.

Cathy said...

Oh, that's so precious. Glad it can bring you comfort.

foxy said...

Awwwwww... so sweet.

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful and comforting...I'm glad it helps you a bit.
